Thursday, June 13, 2019

Should You Lease or Buy a Commercial Trash Compactor?

By Kenzo Kawasaki

Image courtesy pixabay
If you’re tired of dealing with an overflowing dumpster or are looking to stop throwing away recyclable commodities that other businesses are willing to buy from you, leasing or buying a commercial compactor or baler could be on your mind.  While you’ll have to invest a little time and money in selecting, acquiring and installing either, this is an investment that could quickly pay for itself.  It could also save you money every time your trash hauler comes to empty your dumpster, since both machines will be significantly reduce the volume of trash your business has to contend with month in and month out.  The question then becomes whether it is better to own or lease the unit?

Should You Lease or Buy a Commercial Trash Compactor?

By Kenzo Kawasaki Image courtesy pixabay If you’re tired of dealing with an overflowing dumpster or are looking to stop throwing a...