Friday, May 31, 2019

What a Waste - The Cure to Common Waste Problems

By Kenzo Kawasaki

Image courtesy Pixabay
If you own a business, it no doubt produces waste.  Whether that waste involves little more than discarded toner cartridges and shredded paper, or everything from packing materials to industrial waste, the secret to keeping waste from becoming a problem has as much to do with logistics as cartage.  That being said, from time to time business owners can run into problems when it comes to handling the waste that their company produces.  To keep you from winding up hip deep in waste, I thought it best to devote this week’s blog to identifying waste handling problems and cures before it becomes an unsightly mess.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Waste Happens in Vegas – The 2019 Waste Expo

By Kenzo Kawasaki

Image courtesy Waste Expo
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.  Or so the story goes.  But what happens in Vegas when hundreds of waste management contractors and suppliers get together for their annual convention isn’t likely to stay within the confines of the world-famous gambling town.  That’s because what happens at the Waste Expo directly affects every American. 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Down in the Dumpster – Is Your Trash Hauler Contract Getting You Down?

By Kenzo Kawasaki

Image courtesy USAF
Having your commercial trash hauled away shouldn’t be that hard.  You put out a request for bids, you choose the hauling company that you feel will get the job done for the right price.  You sign a contract for a year.  What could be simpler, right?  For many business owners, this is the case.  However, for others, once the bloom is off the rose, they come to find that the only thing that smells worse than their trash is the way their hauler treats them.  To keep you from getting down in the dumpster, this week I thought I’d cover the top-10 complaints that business owners have when it comes to dealing with trash haulers, as well as what they can do about it.

Should You Lease or Buy a Commercial Trash Compactor?

By Kenzo Kawasaki Image courtesy pixabay If you’re tired of dealing with an overflowing dumpster or are looking to stop throwing a...