Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Can Your Trash Go Green?

By Kenzo Kawasaki

Image courtesy flickr
Discarding and hauling trash is a dirty business, no doubt about it.  That being said, what many  That’s right, it’s possible for your trash to go green.  Best of all it’s neither complicated or costly to do so.  All it takes are a few tips that can point you in the right direction so you can green up while doing your part to save the planet. 
businesses don’t know is that there are several ways they can green up their refuse.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Commercial Compactor Safety Tips

By Kenzo Kawasaki

Image courtesy wikimedia
So, you decided to buy a commercial trash compactor to help you save money and the environment  Bravo!  Your foresight will help save you time and money as well as keeping your property cleaner and pest-free.  Now let’s take the time to cover what you need to do to make sure your employees are out of harm’s way in the operation of your compactor. 
by requiring fewer trips to the local landfill.

Should You Lease or Buy a Commercial Trash Compactor?

By Kenzo Kawasaki Image courtesy pixabay If you’re tired of dealing with an overflowing dumpster or are looking to stop throwing a...